Monday, October 15, 2007

John From Cincinnati, Episode 12 b, His Visit Day Eleven, Bonfire

DISCLAIMER: John From Cincinnati and its canon characters are the property of HBO and the show's producers; no copyright infringement is intended.

Written by: SpiritontheWater


(Cass pulls over at a rest stop half way up the pass and turns the Porsche into a parking space with a view of the coast. It is just a few minutes before sunset, she is still crying. She looks over and John is sitting beside her)

John: The sky is crying Cass. And you’re heading out of town.

Cass: I can’t take this anymore John; what you’ve done to me; my world is changed; I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.

John: Nothing’s gonna change my world Cass.

Cass: The world is changing John

John: In your camera Cass, the world changes. There’s a bonfire on the beach tonight Cass, and you’re invited.

Watch and hear


(Barry walks out on the sand with Teddy tightly clutched at his breast, a tall man, six feet three approaches him smiling with his hand out. The man’s long dreadlocks wave back and forth as he walks across the sand to Barry, he speaks with an english accent peppered with a bit of Jamaican spirit)

No One: My name is No One, and I been expectin’ ya Barry.

Barry: You are the man I was told about. I knew it when I saw the fire. You are the writer director; the storyteller; the Waterman... (he puts his hand out but is suddenly faint, and as the man grips his hand Barry falls, held up only by the man’s powerful grip. Teddy tumbles out of his arms onto the sand)

No One: Ahh man, lovin’ soul, happens every time doesn’t it? (he calls out to Adam who is watching out for the others walking down the beach toward the fire) Come boy, help me with the man here! He’s gone and passed out again.

Adam: Coming Noah.

(Adam and Noah carefully drag Barry over to a driftwood log next to the fire and lean him up against it. Adam fetches Teddy and places him along side Barry)

Noah: We gonna wait a bit now boy. The sun’s going down just as those others will be arrivin’ You go grab some more wood for the fire now. We got us a troupe of actors looking for a script comin’.

(Cass and John drive down off the mountain and turn south toward the strip of beach where No One and the others are. Freddy and Moana seeing the fire continue to walk toward it. Shaun, Jojo, and the two girls with them see it and continue to walk toward it as well).

Jojo: I thought you couldn’t build bonfires on the beach no more?

Shaun: They’ll never stop people from building bonfires, let’s run, the sun’s going down!

(The four of them start running down the beach toward the fire. The boys chase the girls and the girls laugh and run into the water. Shaun and Jojo toss Shaun’s juggling balls back and forth playing keep away from the two girls. They run up and pass Freddy and Moana who stop to stare in wonder as the kids turn back darting back and forth then to run circles around them laughing, screaming and giggling. Moana smiles and reaches out to try to catch one, but Freddy turns to hide a sudden burst of tears, both stand watching the carousel the four create around them. The four run on ahead and Freddy and Moana continue, following behind them)

Noah: (Watching the approach, looks over to Barry and back again to the company arriving) A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance. Let them praise his name in the dance...

Watch and Hear

Rufus - Listen


(Cass pulls into the parking lot and parks next to Barry’s car, She looks to her left and see’s Dr. Smith sitting in her passenger seat)

Dr. Smith: I don’t know how it is that I am here. I was just sitting up by the radio tower, and now I find myself here with you. I think I am losing my mind.

Cass: (tears still in her eyes) You’re not losing your mind. You’ve just come a long way to be where you need to be.

(The two of them get out and walk up the trail and seeing the bonfire they walk down the path to the sand).

(Noah leans down and places a cloth on Barry’s forehead, he awakens and gets up to his feet embarrassed).

Barry: Have I had a seizure? I am so sorry, I did not bring my medication nor did I mean to bring you any worry...

Noah: Don’t say nothing about it my good man, You just needed a little rest is all and now you’ve had it. You got some of your friends comin’ I think. We gonna have a nice big fire tonight and I’m gonna tell you ‘bout an idea I got, but for now you needs to take a little water here and see that your bear was all right there beside ya.

Barry: (takes a drink from a cup of water Noah offers and looks down and sees Teddy, he picks him up and draws him to his breast again) Oh, yes, thank you sir... Your name... is... No one?

Noah: Well that’s a name given me by the tribal elders who are all gone themselves now. I go by Noah Owen mostly these days, in town that is.

Barry: I am so please to meet you, And I have anticipated this with, I must say, a bit of fear and trembling. I have a great ambition but fear I do not possess the mettle to fulfill such a dream as I have come now to have. I have seen you before sir, sometimes in frightening dreams and lately in those of peace. But lately I do not know friend or foe, that too I must admit.

Noah: Telling a friend from foe, well that is easy, just sit down with the man for awhile and talk about what matters. Anything possible you know man. A little leap of faith then you take your steps ahead onto that forest ahead of ya. . Maybe you just need the sword in hand. Help you make your way through?

Barry: (Tears suddenly fill his eyes) I ... do. I do indeed. I have not felt the power or strength to wield such weapons thus far. I have not felt the strength to even lift them.

Noah: You got questions you been wantin’ answers for along time my friend, answers about who you are and who you ever gonna be, but you stand up and look at that horizon brother. You and the others all walked down some pretty long roads to get here. Don’t ya let that night fool ya, nor that wind you feel blowing you cold right now... The light of day is comin’. again. Right there in the mornin’. For now you just warm yourself by the fires that be and you’ll soon see everything’sgonna be all right. Tomorrow's another day our dear man.

Barry: (takes a few steps out from Noah and looks out up and down the horizon then back to the bonfire) It’s all just... beautiful...

(Barry takes a few steps back as a stiff offshore breeze catches him. A huge wave crashes close to the shore in front of them. A large column of sparks come off the fire as Noah tosses several planks of discarded lumber on it, and a sound like static fill his ears)


Bobby and Joan


(Barry walks out to the tides edge and feels a chill as Freddy and Moana pass behind him walking up toward the fire. Shaun, Jojo and the girls walk over to where Adam is dragging a large piece of lumber toward the fire, Shaun picks up the other end to help him carry it the rest of the way. After throwing it on they run back to where the others are standing as a shower of sparks seems to follow them)

Shaun: (to the others) This is Adam, he’s my friend.

Jojo and the Girls: How’s it going Adam? (The girl Jojo was with gives Adam a flirtatious smile)

Adam: Cool man, knew you were comin’ (to Shaun) sorry for bailin’ on you this morning but the old man stepped on my brakes so I had to get out. You get your car back ok?

Shaun: ... no one was the wiser. Dad was gone so it was just John seeing me sneakin’ in. Maybe Ramon, but he wouldn’t tell my dad or problemo...

Adam: Cool! (he leads them over to a spot he has set up beneath the bluff and opens an ice chest he has covered with a beach towel) Got us hooked up for juice! (inside they see an assortment of adult beverages. He pulls off his hat and pulls a joint from his hatband and hold it up) And I rolled us a fat one!

Jojo: (takes the joint to examine it) Damn! That’s fatter than your dick Shaun!

Shaun: (embarrassed as the girls laugh, pushes JoJo) Fatter than yours fucker!

(Adam takes the joint back and lights it. Shaun and Jojo offer drinks to the girls who are leaning on each other whispering and giggling)

Shaun: (looks toward the fire) Let’s make it bigger!

Adam: I’m right behind ya dude, your will be done.

(approaching the fire Cass and Dr. Smith pass by Freddy and Moana seemingly unnoticed)

Cass: It’s strange, I don’t have my camera with me, but I feel like everything I am looking at is being recorded somehow? I feel like I am watching this sunset from two different angles.

Dr. Smith: I am having exactly the same experience... When I was a boy, I remember being invited to a bonfire much like this one. The hair (he laughs uncomfortably) is literally standing up on the back of my neck. I met a girl that night I will never forget. I do not know what ever happened to her but I remember it like it was yesterday. I see those kids over there and I think it could be her and I. It is uncanny, but it looks so much like I remember it.

Cass: (gasps with astonishment) This can’t be real... That girl over there... is me. I remember it... It was back home in Hibbing, It was the first time I drank alcohol... I did it for that boy.... (She puts her hand to her mouth) this can’t be real...

(Barry returns to the fire and Noah walks up and stands next to him. Freddy leads Moana back around the fire to come around the where the two are standing facing the growing fire)

Freddy: Sorry for interrupting your little get together here. You two look like you might want to be alone... to do what it is you people like to do... at night, when no one is lookin’. (Noah laughs to himself and shakes his head)

Barry: I take your comment, as it is a gross misinterpretation of the actual facts your eyes behold, as an inquiry as to whether you are conversely right in answering some inner voice wondering whether feeling that you are invited and welcome here, at this wonderful fire, is in fact just another calling to a more meaningful purpose than the ones for which so many of your previous years have been devoted, unquestioningly, to the most questionable of services.

Noah: Ahh man, he knows why he come...

Barry: And I have just now discovered, by either inspiration or hidden knowledge manifest now perhaps from nothing more than sheer fear of confrontations familiar and regularly lost, that we are all called here tonight, to receive another calling. One higher and nobler than any we have ever understood or yet imagined a possibility.

(Freddy bristles and slicks his hair back with both hands clasping them behind his head.)

Moana: Hold on bruddah, I don’t think the man is meaning anything disrespectful to ya.

Freddy: Oh no? This.. man.. is gonna tell me about what I done that’s questionable? Is he gonna tell me too what higher calling he’s got in mind for me? (He lowers his arms and points toward the fire) I been in that fire, you... (he struggles to control his anger) Do you think you know what I been through in my fuckin’ life? And what I’ve had to do to survive? (he moves toward Barry but Moana grabs his arm and turns him away toward the sunset, Freddy allows Moana to lead him away) Fuckin’ faggot has no fuckin’ idea about what a hard life is, except the hard something he wants shoved....(he stifles his comment)

(Barry not able to hear everything Freddy says, withdraws a couple steps and becomes sullen)

Noah: (steps closer to Barry) Give him no mind now Barry, He don’t know what you’ve done to survive either. You both got the dark secrets and that’s why ya both here. Don’t’ be losing the connection. You started to get the feeling. The man just got a bit further to go’s all.

Barry: (takes a deep breath)I know you are right, and perhaps I have never walked through the fire like he has, although I have stories I could tell you.

Noah: I surely know you do. But take a look there again at that man, he’s about to see a sunset like he never seen it before. Just imagine what his sunrise might be like.

Barry: (looks toward Freddy and Moana, their silhouettes ablaze before the sun which is now at horizons edge) I only meant to offer inclusion in the beauty I had seen in my vision; a part in a play for uplifting a weary few; a part I suddenly doubt I have any real power to equip.

Noah: Don’t you be worryin’ about equipping the vision Barry, such a thing comes from the source of what you can only feel anyways.

(Dr. Smith and Cass, smiling, watch the kids as they walk toward the tides edge, Shaun puts an arm around one of the girls as the other three follow)

Dr. Smith: Not that boys first sunset.

Cass: Not that girl’s either.

John: (sitting next to the car salesman on the bluff above the bonfire) Not that sunset’s first boy and girl.

Car Salesman: Not that sunset’s first anything. Hell, that’s a damn sunrise for some other poor boy waking up with a morning stiff one clear across the other side of this marble of ours. (he laughs and points out and downward toward the horizon)

Freddy: (looking out at the sun) Last time I was this close to the water watching a sunset was with a wonderful lady, name of Stella. Now that was a woman...fucking widow visitin’ the islands...that was one I should have gone home with.

(Shaun watches the sun take it’s dive as the girl he has his arm around gives him a quick kiss on the neck. Adam and Jojo, the other girl between them, stand watching too, neither knowing what to do. Shaun smiles.)

(As the sun sets a cool breeze blows in off the water sending everyone back toward the fire. The high clouds turn red then orange then pink against a fading pale blue sky as the fire rises higher sending sparks upward toward the coming night. And they all look up as the lone north star begins to brighten)

(after the sun drops beyond the horizon, and the sky begins to darken, the flames of the bonfire grow while each person takes a turn throwing some other scrap of wood they find generously littered about the area. In the wind a foul smell occasionally wafts around them)

Barry: Oh my, such a foul odor seems present only to be at once washed away by the sweet smell of the fire and the sea.

Noah: And that’s part of the reason I come down here now and then, to make my camp for a night. I get my best ideas when I get a whiff of what’s really going on. Too many nights in doors and a person loses touch with the real world around him. Air conditioning and furnaces keepin’ us comfy cozy now. It used to be a fire that was all there was to keep us warm when the sun disappeared.

Barry: A fire like this one, yes, and not only for its warmth but its community. Drawn like moths to that flame as well. A warmth lost to so many now, so many sit alone and insulated. Foul odors masked by fragrant potpourri.

Mr. Tambourine Man


Car Salesman: Which reminds me country, your pal Butchie needs to get him one of those Glade plug-ins if our boy there’s gonna get any sleep at night. The place reeks!

John: Butchie get’s some fume control.

(Freddy and Moana are drawn back to the fire as the offshore stiffens. The kids seem impervious though and begin again to run around in a game of tag. Shaun stops and pulls his juggling balls out of his pocket, he begins to juggle.)

Adam: That’s cool Shaun!

Shaun: I prefer potatoes.

(All eyes are on Shaun as he skillfully tosses the colorful balls higher and higher, changing patterns and speed, the sight is mesmerizing before the fire)

Shaun: I call this Sunset...Sunrise. (The balls slow and seem to remain suspended for a moment at the top of the arc)

Freddy: (watching Shaun he smiles) That kid knows a thing or two. (loses smile) But he’s gonna have to juggle some heavy shit before this circus is through with him... I’m gonna go back.

Moana: To the islands?

Freddy: (gives Moana a sideways look) To the motel you dimwit.

Moana: I’ll come with bruddah.

Freddy: No, you stay here... enjoy the fire... keep your eye on that kid, I don’t’ want nothing funny going on while those kids are down here, you understand that?

Moana: I feel ya brah, Nuthin’ gonna happen.

(Freddy briefly puts his arms out toward the fire as if to gather a last bit of warmth before he turns and begins his walk back up the beach. As he walks away he can be heard talking to himself)

Barry: (watches Freddy as he walks away) I hope the one to whom he speaks will give him a kind word of reassurance.

Dr. Smith: That man is possessed by torments who’s grip he may never release.

Cass: Looks like he’s fighting them now.

John: Freddy busted my jaw

Car Salesman: Steady Freddy ain’t so Steady. Another man swinging at the wind. And you wouldn’t know it for looking at him, but he’s afraid of fire too.

(The fire has now grown to the point where its heat radiates for several feet. Noah takes a seat on a large log just the right distance to be comfortable, Barry sits down on the same log and sits Teddy on the sand between his feet. Cass and Dr. Smith move closer and sit on the sand nearby. Moana finds a comfortable distance from the fire and crouches down but does not sit)

(Adam approaches Noah and offers him a toke which he declines)

Adam: Tell us a story storyteller!

(Shaun stops juggling and follows JoJo and the two girls over to sit on the sand with Adam)

Barry: Oh yes, please do.

Like A Rolling Stone


(Noah closes his eyes and drops his head. The fire crackles and sparks spit out around Adam who rolls back smothering a smoldering ember that has landed on his clothes)

Adam: Well? You gonna tell us a story or what?!

Noah: (opens his eyes and looks at Adam smiling, he quotes from The Fairy Tales of Herman Hesse) "You must be patient a little while longer. Good stories are like those noble wild animals that make their home in hidden spots, and you must often settle down at the entrance of the caves and woods and lie in wait for them a long time. Let me think!" (he drops his head and closes his eyes again, and as he does every time, he prays a song.)

If it be your will


(Out of site to the others Freddy turns toward the fading horizon and falls to his knees. He begins to weep)

Freddy: You think I don’t’ know beauty! I don’t have no tears seeing that kid juggling fucking suns and moon like a fuckin’ god? Fuck you!!! You Fuckin' cocksucker!!! You fucking take me out now if that’s your fuckin’ will!!! (he drops forward and grabs handfuls of sand and raises his arms up to the sky and breaks down crying) Fuck you!!!! Fuck You!!!!!

(Freddy gets up and dusts the sand off his black Levis, he turns and continues his walk back up the beach toward the lights of IB. He looks up at the stars starting to emerge in the night sky)

Freddy: Don’t think that twinkling little bit of stars is gonna impress me.

(He walks a few steps further and stops. He points back to where he knelt in the sand)

Freddy: And don’t you think you didn’t have that comin’... being another fuckin’ father nobody can ever seem to fuckin’ find! (he walks on)

Car Salesman: (raises his hands and shrugs his shoulders) What do they expect havin’ so many dealerships in so many sectors?!


Noah: (lifts his head and looks around at each person sitting around the fire) Now alla ya heard the story of Peter Pan and his fightin’ with the one they call Captain Hook? (The kids laugh and roll their eyes, the others nod, he looks at the kids) and of them lost boys livin’ in that place they call Neverland? (Dr. Smith looks at Cass and they smile at each other) Well I’m not talking about the Hollywood version which been covered all up with colored sugar and made to look like candy and cake, no way, a child can sleep at night feelin’ safe and sound believin’ there’s been a happy ending to that story the way they been tellin’. I’m talkin’ about the real thing and that real place that’s full of beasts and savages and bloodthirsty pirates all huntin’ children like yourselves just so as to keep the taste of blood in their mouths and to take yer skin and hair and even your heads as trophies. (Barry picks Teddy up from the sand and holds him on his lap, the others see this and smile to themselves) Yeah, you may be wantin’ to laugh, but I tell ya , you want to laugh to soothe yerself for fear of the thing somethin' deep within’s tellin’ you is true.

Shaun: (smiling) Are you saying Neverland is real?

Barry: (not smiling) And Captain Hook?

Noah: You been livin’ in Neverland my boy you just haven’t woke to it yet. And Captain Hook!, he’s alive and well and as bloodthirsty as ever. And his hook ain’t no gleamin shiney piece of metalcraft no, that’s a crude iron claw made for one thing, and that’s tearing a body open to rip the steamin’ life from his soul, not carin’ whether he’s a man of forty or a boy or girl of fourteen, he’s clawin' his way through everyone of us to get at the one his dark eyes and black heart’s always cravin’. (the girl sitting next to Shaun moves over and leans against him)

Barry: Peter Pan! (he smiles)

Noah: Aye, yes you’re right... the Pan. But don’t be fillin’ your mind with those fancy images of a mere boy in green tights flying around the night sky turning backflips against the stars; he’s as fierce and resolved in his fightin’ as Hook or any other beast that’s ever set foot on these shores; he’s as strong as an earthquake and as swift as a shootin’ star.

John: (Grimaces) Captain Hook stared me down!

Car Salesman: That wasn’t Captain Hook. If it hadda been, Joe woulda had to gone get some of his buddies to come help pick up your pieces to put you in the van.

John: Some things I know, some things I don't.

Car Salesamn: You got that right.

The New School

Think happy thoughts now


Noah: You see, I been hearing things in the air lately in this here Neverland. Voices on the waves, calling me, and I think alla you too; and I been hearing the footsteps of the creatures of the night wakin’ up, getting their own call, to start their lookin’ around for lost boys, to kill and devour, before they get to be too many. You see, the call’s gone out from the likes of us hearing them creepin' and sharpenin’ their swords and their teeth; a call bein’ made to Peter Pan his self, and you know, once that call’s been made, where ever he is, even if that call’s a whisper of a prayer or even a young boy crying for his father, you know his ears prick up, and he’s on his way; and sometime he’s gotta long way to come.

Adam: He’s probably in Cincinnati. (Shaun laughs)

John: He is in Cincinnati!

Car Salesman: Hush up country I’m trying to hear the story.

Moana: (stands up and then sits down on the sand folding his legs) I heard this story when I was small kid, my mother told me I couldn’t fly like Peter Pan ‘cause I had no happy thoughts. This a crazy fairy tale huh? Peter Pan he like Santa Clause.

Noah: Every so called fairy tale you ever heard don’t just come from no place. We talkin’ the spiratual realm my friend. From whence all things a come and all things surely go an end up.

Noah: And let me just mention it to you now at this spot in this thing I’m conveyin’ to ya, that the tales being told are being told at a fierce pace these days and no small part of them just a few miles up this very beach your sittin’ on. And it’s for that reason that the beasts and the savages and the pirates and the very personage of Captain Hook himself are settin’ their sights on collectin’ a fair many of our scalps right here where the sun is settin’.

Barry: I have recently felt as one followed, and even pursued, from the point I leave the Snug Harbor Motel and drive, often after dark, to my home on this beach.

Noah: Aye Barry, don’t you be surprised if a pirate’s got his eye on you. Don’t be surprised any of you if you turn your head and think ye see a body’s vanishin’ in the shadow behind ya.

Car Salesman: Damn evanescences.

John: (Sneering) Damn evanescences!

Dr. Smith: (watching the boys as they throw bits of drift wood and pieces of seaweed at each other) Why is it, as children, we remember the characters of the stories but never how they made us feel?

Cass: For years I would refuse to be anyone but Rapunzel for Halloween.

Dr. Smith: (laughs) I was always Dracula.

Cass: I always had to explain to people who I was supposed to be. They never got it.

Dr. Smith: I don’t think we ever heard anything but happy endings.

Noah: And I’m bettin’ a half dollar to a million trillion flash bars that ‘ol Captain Hook is counting on every one of us to be sound asleep when he strikes us next. Knowing that in waking to the terror and fear and not bein’ able to breath we’ll end up thrashin’ and slashin’ in the darkness just to end up killin’ each other off not knowing friend from foe as much by accident as for purpose while he and his band of cut throats slink off back into the dark from where they come. (he looks around and see’s the kids becoming distracted and wanting to get back to playing games of chase) Ahh, but he knows us well.

Barry: We do not prepare ourselves, snug in our beds, and will surly wake too late.

Moana: Every enemy I ever had does it sneakin’ up from the shadows like a pac of coyotes only brave in their numbers and tactics of circling you once you’ve got out in open ground before driving in for the kill. I seen that played out where I been.

(Noah gets up and stretches. Moana get’s up and walks toward the water. Shaun stands and pulls "his" girl up to her feet and she falls into his arms, Jojo and Adam do the same together for "their" girl, they let go when she's on her feet.)

Noah: Well it’s getting dark now ain’t it? I’m guessing I best put this story to bed now and be heading there myself ‘cept for one eye open of course.

Barry: Are we done then so soon? Did time fly? I am scarcely want to rise from this reassuring fire to head back out to a road I now fear I barely know.

Noah: Ahh, the story’s got more to it Barry to be sure. You don’t worry none about what we may see coming. Just trust the mornin' gonna shine bright and you’ll see another fine day before you‘ll be feelin’ the urge to strap on a pistol and grow them eyes in the back of your head for spotting those pirate’s commin’ for us now.

Barry: Of that I am not so sure sir. I fear I have seen this coming onslaught of which you have just so frighteningly revealed, albeit in such familiar metaphor as to even still soothe and comfort with hope of such a formidable savior as the boy who never grew up, for a considerable time now. And I am now no less terrified.

Noah: I know that to be true my friend, but the young ones need only hear a part of this story to get their minds to thinking. We’ll let them have a dream or two and see what it is they come up with. It’s their lives after all which that cruel one is after.

(Noah leaves the fire and walks down to the tides edge where Moana is standing)

Moana: Thought you were gonna make somethin' up for; for that theater he got goin' up at that motel?

Noah: Of that I did not know you’d been made aware my good man. Then I’ll tell ya that in it’s rudiments it is that which I have done. And on the subject I was thinkin’, without knowin’ or wantin’ knowing about your business, that you might be interested in playin’ the part of our feared Captain Hook, seein’ as you might be in stayin' here in town with us for a bit of time to come.

Moana: (looks incredulous) Me? (laughs) you don’t know me right man. I'm not stayin’... I done a play once when I was small kid... but I don’t do nothin’ like that no more.

Noah: You’d be showin’ these children the beast for who he is if ya did.... I‘ll just ask that you think on it then... they got no way to know what’s coming ‘cept through a little story tellin’, it’s the way they been raised up, and I’m guessin’ you too for that matter. (Moana looks at Noah and nods his head slightly, he turns and walks away up the beach)

Noah: (walks back over to where Barry is sitting) You can take these kids back to their beds? Adam, he been stayin’ with me ok.

Barry: Yes! Certainly that would be better than leaving them to walk back up the sand at this late hour. Their parents are probably beginning to look. My car, just up in the parking lot. I am more than happy. Young mister Yost will be returning to the motel and I will drop his friends off individually, as I am sure he will direct me.

(Noah walks over to the kids and tells them the party’s over. Cass and Dr. Smith walk back up the path to Cass' car.)

Cass: Well I guess we won't be hearing a happy ending tonight.

Dr. Smith: Did we not?

(Barry leads Shaun Jojo and the girls up the path to the parking lot. Adam walks over and sit’s by Noah who has returned to the log and is staring into the fire. He offers him a toke which Noah accepts)

Noah: Well my boy, you never know what sinks in a man’s (he reaches over and taps on Adam’s head) or a boy’s, head when he’s cold and staring at a fire twice as tall as he is. I think I’ll be turning in myself now... You stay and keep an eye out for that Pirate ship that’s surely crestin’ that horizon all sails full..

(John sits looking out at the horizon with his hand over his brow as if shielding the sun. The Car Salesman is gone.)

(Adam looks out at the horizon and squints his eyes. He gets up and runs over to follow Noah in the shelter against the bluff and crawls beneath the blankets. The bonfire burns throughout the night.)

The End - "Bonfire"

U2 - Wake Up

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