Friday, October 5, 2007

Shaun Gets Another Friend - Part III

DISCLAIMER: John From Cincinnati and its canon characters are the property of HBO and the show's producers; no copyright infringement is intended.

Written by KatieDorrII

Carl and Shaun went back to the garage to work on his new board.

"Well, that's just great, Cissy. Look, we don't know a thing about this guy, and you tend to... rub people the wrong way."

"That's not what Butchie said-"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Oh nothing. Look, get your head out of your ass, Holy One. I got a 3-day notice to pay the back rent, we're on the verge of bankruptcy, and Kai quit on me. If you have a better idea, let's hear it."

"What? How could this happen, Cissy?"

"It happened because none of us likes to work, shit-for-brains! Turns out, someone has to show up who gives a rat's ass. When's the last time you actually worked in the store?"

"Just last week, I answered the phone when I was repairing my board. Now that you mention it, someone wanted to make sure you wouldn't be there. I think maybe customers are afraid of being assaulted or verbally abused when they come in."

"Ya think? Fuck 'em. I'm tellin' ya, we need this guy, he could turn things around for us. If not, I don't know...we might have to get real jobs!!!"

"Now don't start talking crazy, I see your point. But the guy creeps me out. Actually he'd fit right in at the Harbor...."

Cissy suddenly jumps, hearing a noise: "Fuck! How long have you been standing there listening, Lurch?"

"I sure would like some biscuits, Maam. Haven't eaten all day."

"Biscuits! Do I look like Betty Fuckin' Crocker--? Alright come on in, I'll see what I can scrounge up."

"Thank ye."

Seated at the kitchen table, Mitch awkwardly tries to make conversation. "So, how did you hook up with Shaun?"

"Me and him made friends right off the bat"

"Apparently. But, well, where did you come from? What I mean is, you don't look or talk like most folks around here."

"They turned me loose up at the state hospital. Said I weren't dangerous no more mmmmmmm"

"Uh...may I ask why you were there?"

"Reckon I killed some people, at that low-rent motel. My mama, she just sorta got in the way of that."

"I see." Mitch said, turning pale. "Do you have any family left, I mean, in town?"

"My no-count daddy's still here mmmmmmm."

"Here ya go, tunafish sandwich." Cissy tosses a plate in Carl's direction, oblivious to the conversation.

"Tunafish makes me a might nervous, Maam. Biscuits would be just fine. Or them french fried potaters "

"Well I DON'T HAVE any biscuits or french fries, got it? I'm not running a fucking a restaurant here."

"Alrighty then." Carl gets up and walks out the door.

Cissy: "Did you see that? The nerve of that rude fuckin' prick! I go out of my way for an imbecile..."

"Cissy, don't start. Let's just get through tonight, I'll have Bill check him into the Harbor first thing tomorrow."

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