Thursday, September 27, 2007

John Goes To Washington

DISCLAIMER: John From Cincinnati and its canon characters are the property of HBO and the show's producers; no copyright infringement is intended.

Written by waxon

Bill Clinton: “I did not have sex with that woman.”

John: “I did not have sex with that woman, but she did have sex with me”

Bill: “OK, How did you know what I was thinking?”

John: “Bill’s balls jump, Hillary will not be irradiated”

Bill: “You know, I could use a guy like you.”

John: “No Bill! The Father could use a guy like you.”

Bill: “Well yea, my intentions are pure.”

John: “Bill intentions are purely Bill.”


GWB: “I have to trust my intelligence sources”

John: “ George should never trust his intelligence”

GWB: “Well, that’s real funny, Son. Are you a comedian?”

John: “Comedy is real, politics are funny.”

GWB: “You know, my father could use a guy like you”

John: “No George! The Father could use a guy like your father”

GWB: “My father? Why not me?”

John: “I don’t know, Butchie instead”


John: “We are all frail vessels”

Rumsfeld: “The US Navy is far from frail, pal.”

John: “We are all frail vessels”

Rumsfeld: “OK, get this guy downstairs, let’s see what he knows.”


Al Gore: “I’ll bet your Father could use a guy like me”

John: “My father does not need a guy like you”

Al: “Are you kidding? I am responsible for the circles and lines on the wall”

John: “Al is not responsible.”

Al: “How can you say that? I am fighting for the environment”

John: “Al is not a fighter”

Al: “Oh, forget this, I gotta go. My jet is due back any minute from picking Tipper up from her palates class.”

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