Wednesday, September 19, 2007

John's Other Visitations - John eats at the Double R Diner

DISCLAIMER: John From Cincinnati and its canon characters are the property of HBO and the show's producers; no copyright infringement is intended.

Written by backinthegame

(Agent Cooper is in his hotel room dictating)

Cooper: Diane, 12:08am, a disconcerting day to say the least. Started well. Cherry pie, and wow the coffee! Diane, did I ever tell you about the cup of Joe you could get in that diner in Grand Rapids? If a man is to go about his business he surely needs some great coffee.

So I'm sitting in the double-r finishing my first cup and am interrupted by a tall man with poodle hair. next time you're in Gordon's office take a look at his graduation picture, you'll get the idea.

"The end is near" he says. "Don't worry, there's more in the pot" I reply. "Coffee doesn't ring a bell" he says and stands there just smiling at me. Diane, I will admit to having a knack for judging a person's character, but in this case I got nothing. I saw an empty vessel, and yet I have a inexplicable feeling that the vessel will accept only light.

"What is your name" I ask; "My name is John" he replies "Major Briggs is a doubting Thomas. Leland's hair will soon turn white!" spins around and walks off. Diane, that is a conversation, stranger than I had with the log lady's log. Tomorrow, I promise I will try to track down this John again, I feel now that he may yet have an important part to play.

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